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Save a new email contact in your address book - Tutorials Ordissimo (Ordissimo v4)

You've received an email from a new contact? You can save their email address and create a contact directly in your inbox, simply follow this guide...

Compatibility : Ordissimo
Level: Introduction
Estimated time: 15'

We'll see that's it's simple to save an email contact directly from your inbox.


1Click on the "Email" application.

To the bottom left of your home screen, click on the "Email" application on the applications bar. 

click on Mail


2Select an email.

You'd like to save Pierre as a contact in your address book for example. In the "Received" directory, select an email that he has sent to you.

select an email


3Save an email sender.

a. Save the email address.
On the toolbar at the top of your screen, click on "Save address". 

click on save address

 If you would like images in emails from a frequent contact to be automatically displayed, it's better to have saved their email address. (C.f Practical guide "How to automatically download emailed images from a commercial sender").

b. Contact information.
The application "Address" will automatically open, creating a new file with the contact from the saved email. All that's left to do is fill out the sender's information: 

  • Surname
  • First name
  • Nickname
  • Address and zip code
  • Telephone number(s)
  • Date of birth

fill out the information

 You can find all of your contacts in the "Address" application, located on the bar at the bottom of the screen. To access your address book, consult the practical guide : "Introducing our address book" ! 


Now you know how to save a contact in your address book!